About Hyperbaric Therapy

HBOT Therapy (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) is a non-invasive and painless method involving high concentration oxygen-breathing under elevated pressure in a specially designed hyperbaric chamber.

During a session in a specially designed hyperbaric chamber, you receive high concentration oxygen under elevated pressure conditions. This allows oxygen to enter the less-blooded areas or places where it is needed more effectively.

Being in a hyperbaric chamber stimulates the body, nourishes hypoxic cells, and thus strengthens the immune system and helps you with recovery.



Take care of your health by regular use of Hyperbaric Therapy in our chamber.

Many studies and research confirm the beneficial effect of hyperbaric therapy on our health.

Hyperbaric therapy supports:

  • treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension and tissue hypoxia,
  • treatment of potency disorders,
  • softening the effects of rheumatism, supporting rehabilitation after injuries,
  • treatment of diabetes and diabetic foot syndrome,
  • treatment of skin diseases, like psoriasis, mycosis, and hard to heal wounds,
  • autism rehabilitation.

Beauty and wellness

Help your skin look beautiful, improve your metabolism and stop the effects of aging

The increased amount of stem cells and oxygen allows the skin to be nourished at many levels. Your skin regains its natural glow, color, and beauty because during the session weak and old cells are replaced by new ones.

Oxygen therapy supports the treatment of skin diseases such as acne or eczema. In an oxygenated body, the metabolism speeds up, and the slimming process effects are seen more quickly.

Hyperbaric Therapy has a positive effect on:

  • removing toxins and harmful heavy metals that slow down metabolism,
  • nutrition of skin cells, old cells are replaced with new ones,
  • acceleration of metabolism, faster weight loss effects,
  • increasing the amount of collagen produced.


Improve your life records with us!

Sessions in our hyperbaric chamber improve physical performance, accelerate muscle recovery and reduce recovery time after injuries.

Oxygenation increases the amount of ATP nucleotides, which is the main energy carrier in your body. Muscles have fuel for longer and more intense training. 

The time it takes for regeneration after microtraumas and for the metabolism of lactic acid that is in your muscles is reduced. The body recovers faster between workouts.

Hyperbaric Therapy has a positive effect on:

  • reduction of swelling after bruises, sprains, and injuries,
  • permanently increasing the body’s strength capacity,
  • faster regeneration and reduction of pain between workouts and important sports competitions.

What are the contraindications
for using a hyperbaric chamber?

Despite so many beneficial profits associated with Oxygen Therapy, unfortunately, there are also situations in which the use of hyperbaric chambers is not recommended.

Unconditional contraindications

With the following contraindications, it is not possible to use Hyperbaric Therapy.

  • untreated pneumothorax,
  • taking cytotoxic drugs such as bleomycin, doxorubicin, disulfiram, etc.

Relative contraindications

They require the patient to consult their doctor so that he or she can benefit from Hyperbaric Therapy

  • chest surgery
  • pregnancy,
  • optic neuritis inflammation,
  • pacemaker,
  • sinusitis,
  • convulsions,
  • fever,
  • haemorrhage,
  • recent cold,
  • severe ear diseases,
  • claustrophobia,
  • spread cancer disease.

If you are in doubt whether any of these conditions is a contraindication to hyperbaric chamber therapy, please discuss this with your doctor. 

It is worth to remember that despite the fact that oxygen therapy in a hyperbaric chamber is a non-invasive procedure, it may have slight side effects in the form of fatigue and headache In particular after the first and second sessions.

We wait for you in  OxyBed Studio


If you want:

  • improve your physical performance and achieve better results in sport,
  • take care of your external appearance and mental condition,
  • actively support your body in the healing process,

visit us at OxyBed Studio in Leszno.